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Life Update

Fist things first, Happy new Year! I know that I am late but better late than never. I know I haven’t blogged for a while. I even know I promised to give my best shot and post twice a month. I do not want to make any excuses. Just say I’m sorry. Past few months honestly turned out more overwhelming than planned or imagined. Every week was a new exam and every month new subjects. I had locked myself in my room just taking the occasional breaks to make sure I don’t turn into a zombie or that my friends don’t forget me (many of them have the memory of a goldfish)

But with the end of the year and  good chunk of my exams (at least for next few months) let me just say, I AM BACK!! Taking such a huge break was difficult but also essential and God I hope to never have to do that again!

Well, I am big preacher of mental health and letting things go when they are taking a toll on you. Due to all of these exams and the stress that came with them I didn’t even have time to breathe. If you follow me o instagram, you might have noticed how irregular my posts were and how I used to just vanish for days. And if the studies weren’t enough, there is always the emotional and mental baggage.

Couple of things I’m really looking forward to work on this year is firstly the type of content I create here. I want to create posts that are interesting, intriguing, that initiate a thinking thread, maybe some ideas or tricks that I come across, I don’t know maybe it is the sugar rush or dopamine, I’m just really happy to be back. I also want to talk more about mental health and life in general or things that help in dealing with stress that are actually not that common.

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