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Mental Health in Quarantine

“It is normal to not feel normal”

I sincerely hope everyone is doing good. Everything, honestly, feels bizarre. Life is completely different from what it was just a couple months ago. I for one, consider myself to be privileged or lucky enough to be able to practice social distancing, to be in a place where I do have the option to stay away comfortably in my home. Although safe physically, these tough times can take a toll on our mental health. Keep a check on your and your loved ones mental and emotional health.

It is important to understand that feeling certain emotions is okay. Not able to reason with certain feelings is okay. Many times understanding the root cause for any emotion is more difficult than expected. It is normal to not feel normal. Adjusting in this new normal with a high uncertainty of the future is bound to have some effect on your mental health.

“You can do everything or you can do nothing”

Feeling overwhelmed, more anxious than usual, lingering distress is all right. What isn’t right is not doing anything about them. These emotions do not make you any less you. Talk to a therapist, your friends, family, whoever makes you feel comfortable. You can advocate your feelings, try physical exercises, focus on your breathing. One thing that helps a lot is following a timetable. It helps in providing a direction for the day. You can do everything or you can do nothing. We are in a pandemic. This is not a vacation period. We did not sign up for this. Its okay if you spend your time doing nothing. It is okay to be extremely productive. Do what makes you happy.