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Planning a Cohesive Instagram Feed

A cohesive feed for instagramHow many of us started this year with a new resolution? Many? Few? None? I very much did not. It honestly made no sense. With everything going on in the world we all need something to distract us with. Be it learning something new or picking up a lost interest or reconnecting with someone.

“Maintaining an aesthetic instagram feed helps you attract more people”

Maintaining an aesthetic instagram feed helps you attract more people and gives your feed a clean, professional look. After a lot of trial and error I figured out the best and easiest way to maintain one so sharing the tips with you below!

Planning a cohesive feed for Instagram
Planned feed using Preview.

Pre-plan your content: I used to be someone who posted whatever she felt like whenever she felt like. Which ended up in a very non-cohesive feed. Planning your feed gives you an idea regarding what your style is, what your audience likes and what works the best for both of you. For this, I use ‘Preview’ that is a free for download on your mobile phone android or iOS . You could also schedule your posts to save you the hassle if you like.

How to find the colours of your instagram profile
Dominant colours of the featured image

Choose your colours: Choose a set of colours that work really well for you. One trick that I used for this was taking a screenshot of my feed or any feed that I loved and shaded each picture with the most prominent color in that image. This would help you understand the colours you like as well as the contrasting shades.

a flatlay of coffee at a cafe in Mumbai

Choose your niche: A cohesive feed is not just about colours. It is also about the content you share, the edits and more. Choosing a niche helps you understand the type of your star content and also provides you with a direction. If you ever have trouble finding your niche, don’t feel scared to experiment with a couple till you find your ideal one.

Before and after post editing on Lightroom and Snapseed

Editing: Edit plays a major role in maintaining an aesthetic feed. With the right editing, you can bring out the colours of your image making it look coherent. If you want to save some time, I’d recommend making or buying presets as those are just one click edit where you can adjust the brightness and contrast depending on your image. I would highly recommend downloading  Lightroom on your mobile phone but if not, check the post on my favourite free editing apps here.

Hope you found this helpful!